Female Hormone Therapy
Only $425/70-day supply – No Hidden Fees
Whats Included:
If you are felling down, groggy and tired, or if your just not feeling yourself then haby female hormone therapy can help. Haby providers prescribe Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to help women over 30 look better, feel better and be happier and more satisfied.
Plan Includes: Doctor Visit, Clinical Labs, Follow Up Visits, Medication & Shipping. There are no hidden-fees and insurance is not required.

Lab & Telehealth Medical Review

Bioidentical Progesterone Cream

Bioidentical Estradiol Cream

Personalized Dosage Calendar

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
Every day, millions of women suffer from uncomfortable, debilitating symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, or estrogen dominance. These hormonal challenges can affect women of all ages, pre and post menopause. Are you 30+ and suffering from one or more of the following?
Hormone imbalance may cause feelings of depression, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, insomnia, lack of sex drive or just a constant under-the-weather feeling. The major hormones in women that typically need balanced management are Estrogen and Progesterone, and many may also benefit from improved Testosterone levels.
The Haby Approach
Diagnosing and treating hormone deficiencies and imbalances in women requires the attention of a physician specializing in adult female hormone replacement therapy. Every woman is an individual, and likewise, will have to be treated as an individual. This is why your Haby Wellness Physician will take into consideration your individual medical history, symptoms and comprehensive lab results to determine the correct treatment protocol tailored specifically for you.
It is important to note that not every adult female will be a candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy. This is why it’s very important that you speak with a Haby Wellness provider who specializes in treating Hormone Imbalance in women to discuss the right treatment for you.
Understanding Female Hormones
Estrogen in Women
Maintaining balanced Estrogen levels can reduce or eliminate unpleasant symptoms of aging as women approach and enter menopause. Estrogen is actually more than one hormone, consisting of estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Estradiol is the strongest of the three estrogens and sends a signal to stimulate cell growth and deter the effects of aging. Effectiveness of hormone replacement involves more than just the right type and dose of estrogen. It’s also about delivering supplements in biorhythmic dosing schedules that restore the correct timing and peak values of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone to create an optimal female hormone cycle.
Progesterone in Women
Estrogen should never be taken without progesterone, as the progesterone blocks the Estrogen from promoting excessive cell growth. When a woman has estrogen in her system without sufficient progesterone to balance it, she becomes “estrogen dominant”, which can cause unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and insomnia. Perimenopausal women are frequently estrogen dominant, and progesterone is what will help alleviate their symptoms.
Testosterone in Women
Although Women only require a small amount of Testosterone, it is one of the first hormones to decline as women progress through their 30’s. Low sex drive is one of the most common complaints we hear from women with low testosterone as well as difficulty building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

What is hormone therapy?
When it comes to a woman’s health and well-being, hormones play a crucial part in keeping everything in check. But as women age, hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on their bodies, sometimes starting years before menopause. That’s where bioidentical hormone therapy comes in – a highly effective treatment that can alleviate symptoms and help women feel like themselves again. The haby program uses bioidentical solutions to deliver the best results for balancing a woman’s hormones.
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